Agus Priyanto



Di Indonesia banyak anak muda yang menyukai dunia balap road race ini dengan skala prioritas. Khususnya di Maluku Utara menjadi salah satu provinsi yang memiliki peminat road race dari kalangan pemuda yang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan pengamatan, di Maluku Utara tercatat banyaknya anak muda yang memiliki minat pada road race, diantaranya, kota Tidore.Tidore memiliki posisi strategis di kalangan penghobi road race, karena banyaknya event yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitasnya.Di Tidore kondisi ini sangat berbeda dengan Kota lainnya yang ada di Indonesia, karena kurangnya perhatian dan fasilitas dari pemerintah terhadap sirkuit tersebut dan berakibat pada menurunnya kreativitas pemuda yang bergelut pada dunia otomotif road race, yang kondisinya masih belum memenuhi standar fasilitas sirkuit road race pada umumnya. Namun masih terdapat beberapa klub-klub, bengkel hand made sparepart, Team-team serta adanya beberapa tokoh berskala nasional. Melalui Perancangan Bangunan Pendukung Sirkuit Road Race Kota Tidore diharapkan akan menciptakan aktivitas positif dikalangan pemuda. Sebagai upaya membangun kualitas sumber daya manusia dikalangan pemuda melalui kegitan balap r o a d  r a c e , maka diperlukan sebuah ruang positif melalui intervensi perancangan arsitektur yang berbasis pada kebutuhan pemuda akan ruang kreativitas dan apresiasi.

Kata Kunci : Perancangan, Sirkuit , Road Race, Pemuda


In Indonesia, many young people like the world of road racing on a priority scale. In particular, North Maluku is one of the provinces that has quite a high level of interest in road racing among young people. Based on observations, in North Maluku there are many young people who are interested in road races, including the city of Tidore. Tidore has a strategic position among road race enthusiasts, because of the many events organized by its community. In Tidore, this condition is very different from other cities where in Indonesia, due to the lack of attention and facilities from the government for the circuit and this has resulted in a decline in the creativity of young people involved in the world of automotive road racing, whose conditions still do not meet the standard facilities for road race circuits in general. However, there are still several clubs, hand made spare parts workshops, teams and several national figures. Through the design of supporting buildings for the Tidore City Road Race Circuit, it is hoped that it will create positive activities among youth. As an effort to build the quality of human resources among youth through road racing activities, a positive space is needed through architectural design interventions based on the youth's need for space for creativity and appreciation.

Keywords: Design, Circuit, Road Race, Youth


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