Jurnal Bilingual which is published by Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Khairun. This journal is published twice a year and serves as a tool for researchers, academics and practitioners interested in language education and learning studies and wishes to channel their thoughts and findings, especially in relation to studies in science at language. The articles contained are the results of research, scientific and critical and comprehensive review of the important and current issues covered in the journals. | ![]() |
Nama Jurnal | : | Jurnal Bilingual |
Frekuensi | : | 2 kali setahun (Mei & Oktober) |
p-ISSN | : | 2088-2858 |
e-ISSN | : | 2774-9681 |
Editor in Chief | : | Saiful Latif, S.Pd., M.Hum |
Manajer Jurnal | : | Zulkifli Ahmad, M.Sc |

Call for Papers Jurnal Bilingual which is published by language department of Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. This journal is published twice a year (May and October), and serves as a tool for researchers, academics and practitioners interested in language education and learning studies and wishes to channel their thoughts and findings, especially in relation to studies in science at language. The articles contained are the results of research, scientific and critical and comprehensive review of the important and current issues covered in the journals. All submitted articles shall never be published elsewhere and are not under consideration by other national and/or international publications. Saiful Latif |
Dikirimkan: 2025-02-28 | |
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Vol 14, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Bilingual EDISI OKTOBER 2024
Daftar Isi
Linzia Anwar, Hamida A. Jasin, Susana R Bahara
Misna Rusli, Indry Widyasti Anwar, Susana R. Bahara
Putri Dwi Gustiana, Ira Maisarah
Indry Widyasti Anwar, Putri Nabila Ismail, Susana R. Bahara