Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Penertiban Pertambangan Batuan di Kelurahan Kalumata Kota Ternate Selatan

Salha Marasaoly, Arisa Murni Rada, Sri Indriyani Umra


This study aims to determine the role of local government in the issuance of rock mining in Kalumata Village, South Ternate City and to determine the factors that become obstacles in controlling rock mining in Kalumata Village, South Ternate City. This type of research is empirical law using a statute approach and a case approach located in Rock Mining in Kalumata Village, South Ternate City. The enactment of Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining provides a change in the management and exploitation regime of mineral and coal mining from a contract regime to a permit regime. With the spirit of regional autonomy, it has inspired local governments to be empowered to be able to manage government affairs by themselves in order to optimally advance their economy. This is the basis for the legitimacy of the North Maluku provincial government in exercising its authority. It is important to oversee the North Maluku provincial government on rock mining activities in Kalumata. From the pre-research data, the researcher found that the rock mining that has occurred so far does not have a permit as stipulated in statutory regulations. From these problems, the focus of the research is how the role of the local government in the issuance of rock mining in Kalumata Village, South Ternate City and what factors are the obstacles in controlling rock mining in Kalumata Village, South Ternate City. Government supervision of mining activities is ideally seen from the implementation of good mining principles, supervision of the implementation of mining business management, and supervision of the implementation of mining business activities. Based on these government functions, it will be a benchmark for the performance of the North Maluku provincial government in carrying out its supervisory function.

Keywords: Rock Mining, Supervision, and Government

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De Jure : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hukum
Faculty of Law, Khairun University.
Jusuf Abdulrahman, Campus II, Gambesi, Ternate City, North Maluku Indonesia., WhatsApp: +6281343974566