Desentralisasi Asimetris Kewenangan Provinsi Kepulauan dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam untuk Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat

Amirrudin Umasangaji, Ahmad Mufti, Sri Indriyani Umra


The research entitled Asymmetric Decentralization of the Authority of Archipelago Provinces in Natural Resources Management to Realize Community Welfare aims to (1) determine the meaning and urgency of implementing the concept of asymmetric decentralization in regulating the authority of archipelagic provinces; and (2) analyze how the authority of the archipelagic provinces in the management of natural resources can create public welfare. This research is a normative legal research (juridical normative) using approaches including: a statute approach, a conceptual approach, and a historical approach. This research uses the main theory "welfare law state theory" to analyze the achievement of the goal of legal development, namely the welfare of the community. In order to analyze the existing problems, several relevant concepts were also used, including: (1) the concept of asymmetric decentralization and regional autonomy; and (2) the concept of an archipelagic state and archipelagic province that is specifically focused on the formulation of the norms of regional government authority in provinces characterized by islands.

Keywords: Asymmetric Decentralization, Islands, Natural Resources

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,, diakses 26 Februari 2020.



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