Kepemilikan Tanah Adat Suatu Kajian Pada Masyarakat Hukum Adat Tidore (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Folarora, Kecamatan Tidore, Kota Tidore Kepulauan)

Nurizka Arlina


Territorial unity (land) as one of the elements froming a customary law community, is one of the important elements related to certain regulations in terms of ownership, control and management as well as the process of transfering. This often creates problems, such as what happened on Tidore Island as the central area of the Tidore Sultanate. Hale Gimalaha, which was the land given by the  holder of GimalahaTomayouin the Government Structure of Tidore Sultanate, turned out to be a certificate of ownership by one of the GimalahaTomayou. The status of customary land which is converted into ownership rights will be the mainfocus of this research. The method used is socio-legal research using primary data through in-depth interviews with competent parties and the community in Folarora Village, Tidore District, Tidore Islands City, as well as historical and sociological descriptions. So it can be concluded that the main obstacle if problems arise with regard to customary land lies in evidence. Customary land ownership in the Tidore customary law community generally doesn’t have a written (formal) proof of ownership. Communities in obtaining ownership rights over customary land in accordance with applicable customary rules and based on information from simo-simo. The problem with the Hale Gimalaha, thatGimalahaTomayoumade a certificate of ownership, so there is an alternative solution through the Imperial Court Institution or internal root by GimalahaTomayou. These problems lasted for a long time and occurred among the generations of GimalahaTomayou, eventually reluctance to resolve the conflict because people believed a magical imbalance would arise when the problems that had first returned to the surface.

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