Fitrah Muhlis, Mardia Ibrahim


The mention of the name of the songwriter as a form of moral right is important to keep one's work from being taken for granted by others. The nature of moral rights regulated in Article 24 of the Indonesian Copyright Law only recognizes two concepts of rights, namely the right of attribution and the right of integrity. This can be clearly seen from the sound of Article 24 paragraph (1) which regulates copyright or its heirs to demand the copyright holder so that the name or pseudonym of the creator is still included in his creation (right of attribution). Meanwhile, the right of integrity of the creator as regulated in paragraph (2) is flexible. This study aims to (1) determine the form of legal protection of the moral rights of songwriters broadcast by the Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Ternate broadcasting institution (2) to determine the efforts of songwriters to obtain accountability from the Ternate Radio Republic of Indonesia Broadcasting Institution (RRI) for Moral Rights. songwriter. This research is expected to be a reference for the implementation of legal protection for the moral rights of songwriters.

This research was conducted at Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Ternate, North Maluku Province. This type of research used is Normative Empirical, namely a research approach with applicable legal norms and adjusting the facts in the field, while the type of research used is qualitative using a descriptive analysis approach. The research data were obtained from literature studies, interviews, and legal norms which were analyzed and narrated in descriptive form. The results show that the form of legal protection of the moral rights of songwriters broadcast by the Ternate Radio Broadcasting Institute (RRI) in Article 24 of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright states that forms of violation of the moral rights of songwriters include eliminating or not mentioning names. songwriter when the song is broadcast or published. Broadcasting institutions must have a better understanding of the rights of the creators as stipulated in the applicable laws and regulations so as not to violate the moral rights of the creators related to broadcasting songs without mentioning the name of the author

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