Dahlai Hasim, Mardiah Ibrahim


This study aims first to find out how the implementation of work agreements carried out by the Nusantara Company (Perinus) with workers. Second, to find out how legal protection is for workers who are harmed by the Nusantara company (Perinus).

This type of research is empirical normative, because what is examined is the issue of matters that are juridical in nature and the existing facts regarding the implementation of the Implementation of Work Agreements carried out by Nusantara Companies and Workers. And settlement of disputes between Nusantara companies. Related to the rights and obligations of workers if the Nusantara Labuha company does not fulfill its obligations, while the normative determines what is allowed and what is not allowed which is regulated in the Civil Code.

The implementation of work agreements at Nusantara Companies (Perinus) has not been properly fulfilled in accordance with Law no. 13 of 2003 concerning employment, Article 78 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2). The working relationship that exists between the Nusantara Company (Perinus) and the workers and the wages given to the workforce are indeed not in accordance with the UMK standards of South Halmahera Regency along with other benefits provided by the company. This is intended so that in carrying out the agreement that has been agreed upon it can provide legal certainty regarding the rights and obligations of each party. Legal protection for workers in the implementation of work agreements, in fact, is still made in the form of a written agreement, apart from that the agreement explicitly contains the amount of wages which is divided into various work benefits. relating to making/or the form of work agreements, the government should immediately make improvements to arrangements or regulations for workers/laborers, so that the rights and obligations of workers can be properly fulfilled and increase legal protection for workers..

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