Faisal Faisal, Fahria Fahria


In the North Maluku region, especially North Halmahera Regency, it also has such great potential in the forestry sector and has an important contribution to the regional economy and also to the Indonesian nation's economy. The lack of public awareness can be seen from the attitude of the people around the forest area who seem not to care about the consequences that will be caused by illegal logging activities.

Therefore, there is a need for supervision and prosecution by the forestry police as well as local police and regional government officials who are competent in the forestry sector in North Halmahera district, and there is a need for legal firmness and the courage of the apparatus to take action against anyone who commits or supports illegal logging activities. However, the reality that occurs in the field is that the prosecution of illegal loggers is only limited to coaching, this certainly cannot provide a deterrent effect for illegal loggers.

The problem of illegal logging must be prevented so that the people and government of North Halmahera Regency can take advantage of the various potentials they have for the prosperity and welfare of the people in North Halmahera. Therefore, in order to achieve specific research targets, this research uses normative-empirical research by looking at various actions and policies as well as looking at various existing legal norms. Thus, the prevention and prosecution of illegal logging in North Halmahera can be realized in this research

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Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 45 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perindungan Hutan



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