Riski Firmansah, Aji Setyawan, Aulia Firdaus, Haikal Lutfi Rohman, Abrar Devin Muzacky


Public services are the basic social rights of the community (social rights). Social rights are the rights to receive, rights to receive from the government, therefore government administrators are obliged to provide the best service to the community. However, in its implementation, public services have not been obtained by the community properly. The 2002 Governance And Decentralization Survey (GDS) found three important problems that often occur in the field in the delivery of public services, namely first, the magnitude of service discrimination, second, the lack of certainty about the cost and time of service, third, the low level of public satisfaction with public services. This situation opens opportunities for government administrators to carry out maladministration actions in public services. The number of acts of maladministration in public services can be proven by data that has been reported by the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia every year, the graph always goes up. Therefore, the construction of legal responsibility for acts of maladministration carried out by government administrators in public services must be reformulated immediately. Therefore, this paper will examine the dimensions of legal responsibility for maladministration in public services

Teks Lengkap:



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