Bapak/ibu Author Yang Kami Hormati, Agar naskah manuskrip bapak/ibu dapat diterima oleh Dewan Editor, perlu diperhatikan beberapa hal teknis berikut:
Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan Terima Kasih Hormat Kami,Saiful Latif Editor in Chief EDUKASI |
Dikirimkan: 2023-10-10 | |||
Bapak/ibu Author Yang Kami Hormati, Dalam rangka optimalisasi tampilan artikel, maka Dewan Redaksi memutuskan bahwa untuk volume 21 Tahun 2023 telah menerapkan Template manuskrip yang baru. Oleh karena itu, kami sarankan kepada Bapak/Ibu Author agar mengecek pada menu Template di Sidebar sebelah kanan, kemudian download templatenya dan sesuaikan manuskrip bapak/ibu sesuai template terbaru EDUKASI sebelum melakukan Submit. Bagi Bapak/Ibu Author yang TIDAK mengikuti ketentuan dimaksud, dapat menyebabkan tulisan Bapak/Ibu tidak diproses ke tahap selanjutnya. Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan Terima Kasih Hormat Kami, |
Dikirimkan: 2023-10-05 | |||
EDUKASI HAS BEEN ACCREDITED SINTA S5 BY MINISTRY OF RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGY, AND HIGHER EDUCATION, REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA EDUKASI has been Accredited SINTA Rank 5 (SINTA S5) by The Director General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI) No. 225/E/KPT/2022 which is valid for 5 (five) years since enacted on 07 Desember 2022, start Vol 18(1) 2020 |
Dikirimkan: 2023-02-02 | |||
The manuscript is written either in Bahasa Indonesia or English and can be submitted to‚ This journal publishes by the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education with e-ISSN: 2715-8551 . All submitted articles shall never be published elsewhere and are not under consideration by other national and/or international publications.The research article submitted to this online journal will be reviewed by one reviewer (Single-Blind Review) with multiple rounds. Each round involves a reviewer and different reviewer might be assigned in next rounds depending on a case arising. The accepted research articles will be available online after the journal peer-reviewing process completed.SAIFUL LATIF |
Dikirimkan: 2023-01-16 | |||
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