Jumaris Jumaris, Kusrini Kusrini


The spatial pattern of Ternate City has experienced a significant development mainly on the physical expression of urban areas which is driven by the growth of built-up areas in a relatively fast time. The built-up area is an important element of the phenomenon of urban development that is inseparable from the history of city growth, current conditions, and future city growth. Analysis of urban land cover using remote sensing data with data extraction related to built-up areas in 27 coastal villages of Ternate City. Image data used are Landsat 8 OLI multispectral imagery for the 2016 year recording with using channels 2 to 8. The results of the built-up area extraction using a maximum likelihood classified indicate that the growth of the built-up area is very massive, especially for the four villages which are including region the Ternate City Service Center. The percentage of built-up area is a relative representation of the density of land cover is very high, especially some villages areas bordering sea waters within the City of Ternate.

Kata Kunci

built-up area; coastal villages; remote sensing; Ternate City

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/j.edu.v18i2.2118


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