Sultan Ternate Iskandar Jabir Syah: Dari Konferensi Malino Hingga Menjadi Menteri Dalam Negeri Negara Indonesia Timur (NIT) 1946-1950

Rustam Hasyim, Mustafa Mansur


This study aims to reconstruct the political participation Iskandar Djabir Syah
(Sultan of Ternate to 47) in the establishment of the State of East Indonesia. The focus of
this study outlines some political events involving Iskandar Djabir Syah as the Malino and
Denpasar conference to elected Minister of the Interior of Eastern Indonesia in the period
The method used in this paper is a heuristic method that is history, criticism,
interpretation and historiography. The results showed (1) Participation Sultan of Ternate
Iskandar Djabir Syah the unitary state started early independence of the Republic of
Indonesia, is characterized by convening Malino and Denpasar conferences 1946.
Formation of the State of East Indonesia became the inspiration for the political Iskandar
Djabir Syah to engage as a member of the Senate Negara Indonesia Timur/NIT representing
North Maluku, as well as one of its disainer. (2) As one of the leaders who agreed to the idea
of van Mook to form a federalist country in Malino and Denpasar conference, so that when
the formation of the State of East Indonesia was appointed Minister of the Interior in the
cabinet of JE Tatengkeng period 1949-1950. (3) Malino to Denpasar Conference in 1946,
initiated by HJ Dutch van Mook is an effort to establish the states in order to realize the
United States of Indonesia (Republik Indonesia Serikat/RIS) based Linggarjati Agreement. At
the conference formed the Eastern Indonesia State (Negara Indonesia Timur/NIT) covers an
area of Sulawesi, Sunda Kecil (Bali and Nusa Tenggara) and the Maluku Islands.

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