Legu Gam Sebagai Refleksi Relasi Antaretnik Pada Kemajemukan Masyarakat Ternate
This research is about cultural study that focuses on the relationship among
ethnic on pluralism of Ternate societies through the Legu gam festival. Legu
gam for Ternate community is public party. The changing concept of legu
dance to be legu gam as the festival of Ternate society is the political culture
after the conflict to raise the togetherness and also to show the symbolic
power of the sultan of Ternate. The power is placed on the importance of
balakusu se kano-kano (culture society), which generally represent the
pluralism of Ternate community who symbolically united in legu gam.
In this case, festival legu gam is the negotiation and a diverse representation
of ethnic identity. Theory of Bourdieu, habitus of, is used to see how the
capitals such as economic, social, cultural and symbol related among ethnic
relations in legu gam festival. These various capitals are then framed within
the concept of interactive multiculturalism to understand how the diverse
identity is communicated culturally.
The findings showed that the legu gam festival is diverse ethnic identities that
come together as a representative on resources they have. In this context, the
ethnic identity negotiation occurs at the legu gam festival. So that it has
become an annual ritual that becomes multicultural interactions to facilitate
cultural interests and the existence of each ethnic.
Teks Lengkap:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/etnohistori.v2i1.821
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.33387/etnohistori.v2i1.821.g592
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