Indikator Capaian Keberhasilan Program PLPBK Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Lingkungan Permukiman

Susi Diahlita Sari ., Alfitri ., M.Yazid .


This research was aimed to assess the quality of environmental which is
located in priority program planning of PLPBK. This research was conducted
on December 2014 on location RT 02, RT 05 and RT 31 Kelurahan Pipareja
as direct beneficiaries of the activities PLPBK program of 2013. This research
including comparing the level of achievement of a target of the PLPBK
program by counting the level of community satisfaction with the indicators of
increased access community in neighborhood, increased convenience in
neighborhood, and increased quality of infrastructure in neighborhood. From
the distributed questionnaire, the measurement of opinion about social
phenomena that evolve by using a Likert scale with the standard of
community's satisfaction level neighborhood, and then the data of
respondents was tested with validity test and reliability test.
From the analysis quality of neighborhood is obtained results 85.97% which
this results exceeded the target set by the PLPBK program ie more than 80%
of community in priority areas said they were satisfied and achieve very good
category. It can be concluded based on the analysis quality of the
neighborhood and analysis of the costs benefit from the program PLPBK in
priority areas of Kelurahan Pipareja Kecamatan Kemuning effective in the
implementation of the program structuring neighborhood. Suggestions in this
research are expected to community and relevant government for the future
be able to collaborate in improving quality of neighborhood in urban areas, so
that urban areas are becoming viable as a place to stay to live.

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