Faktor Berpengaruh dalam Produktivitas Tomat di Gurabunga Kota Tidore Kepulauan

Kusrini Kusrini, Vrita Tri Aryuni


Horticulture is an important component in agriculture that continues to grow and develop over time. One type of horticulture that is often consumed by the public is tomatoes. Soil physical properties for tomato plants are maximum yield if the land is high with soil structure crumbs until clear, friable (deep) with deep soil depth (solum), good drainage, and moderate to high porosity. Gurabunga Village is located at an altitude of about 749 m above sea level. Topography Gurabunga Village is a plateau with a slope of between 8-15% in the form of a choppy relief area and a slope (15-25%) with a wavy relief. The data collection method used was a survey method with a questionnaire instrument and direct interviews with key informants at the study site. The data analysis technique used in checking the validity of interview data from respondents uses triangulation data analysis. Tomato Vegetable Productivity in Overall Gurabunga in general has the potential to be further developed to meet the needs of tomato vegetables in North Maluku Province. The characteristics of the land owned by tomato farmers in Gurabunga Urban Village have characteristics that are suitable for the development of tomato plants.

Kata Kunci

productivity of tomatoes; land; soil

Teks Lengkap:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/geocivic.v3i1.1871


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