Karman La Nani La Nani


ABSTRAK, Peningkatan kualitas guru dalam pelaksanaan penulisan karya ilmiah berbasis workshop bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keahlian, keterampilan, kreatifitas dan mental guru dalam proses pembelajaran dan melaksanakan fungsinya sesuai standar kompetensi sebagai seorang guru yang profesional. Kegiatan workshop dimaksudkan agar terwujudnya guru yang menguasai konsep penulisan karya ilmiah dan mampu mengimplementasikannya sesuai dengan materi pelajaran yang diterapkan. Guru professional harus memiliki berbagai kemampuan, salah satu kemampuan yang harus dimiliki guru adalah kemampuan menulis karya ilmiah. Pentingnya menulis karya ilmiah bagi guru selain dapat digunakan untuk kenaikan pangkat, jabatan dan golongan sehingga mengalami peningkatan karier  juga mendapatkan penghargaan dan pengakuan terhadap proses pembelajaran dan kinerja guru tersebut. Artinya, workshop penulisan karya ilmiah bagi guru, terutama guru matematika merupakan even penting agar para guru memiliki kemampuan untuk menulis karya ilmiah. Selanjutnya, kegiatan workshop diharapkan menjadi solusi bagi peningkatan kemampuan menulis karya ilmiah dan minimnya publikasi ilmiah bagi guru matematika di Kota Ternate. Guru matematika di SMP Negeri dan Swasta di Kota Ternate peserta workshop penulisan karya ilmiah telah mengajar antara 13 sampai 31 tahun, namun baru 5,54 % dari 22 orang yang pernah menulis karya ilmiah. Melalui metode interaktif, partisipatif, pembimbingan, dan desiminasi, mendorong 9,08% guru matematika menghasilkan karya ilmiah dan rancangan proposal penelitian ilmiah, 27,26% guru matematika telah mandiri dalam penulisan proposal ilmiah, sementara 63,66% guru masih memerlukan pembimbingan dan pembinaan secara intensif.

Kata Kunci: Kompetensi Guru Matematika, Penulisan Karya Ilmiah

ABSRACT, Improving the quality of teachers in the implementation of scientific writing workshop-based aims to improve the knowledge, skills, skills, creativity and mental teachers in the learning process and perform its function according to the standards of competence as a professional teacher. Workshop activities intended for the realization of teachers who master the concept of writing scientific papers and able to implement it in accordance with the subject matter applied. Professional teachers must have a variety of abilities, one of the abilities teachers must have is the ability to write scientific papers. The importance of writing scientific papers for teachers other than can be used for promotion, position and class so that the career enhancement also get the recognition and recognition of the learning process and performance of the teacher. That is, the workshop of writing scientific papers for teachers, especially math teachers is an important event so that teachers have the ability to write scientific papers. Furthermore, the workshop is expected to be a solution for improving the ability to write scientific papers and the lack of scientific publications for math teachers in Ternate City. Mathematics teachers at State and Private Junior High Schools in Kota Ternate participated in workshops of writing scientific papers taught between 13 and 31 years, but only 5.54% of the 22 people who ever wrote scientific papers. Through an interactive, participatory, counseling and dissemination method, 9.08% of math teachers produced scientific papers and scientific research proposal proposals; 27.26% of math teachers were independent in scientific proposal writing, while 63.66% of teachers still needed guidance and coaching intensively.


Keywords: Competence of Math Teachers, Scientific Writing


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Journal NameHUMANO: Jurnal Penelitian
Print ISSN1978-6115
Elektronik ISSN2597-9213
PublisherLembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Khairun
AddressJalan Yusuf Abdurrahman Kampus II Unkhair, Kelurahan Gambesi, 97722 Kecamatan Kota Ternate Selatan, Provinsi Maluku Utara
CountryIndonesia /‚ 

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