Smart Parking based on Car Detection using Deep Learning YOLOv8
In the context of rapidly growing urbanization, the need for efficient parking management solutions is becoming increasingly urgent. This research develops and implements a car detection system based on YOLOv8 (You Only Look Once Version 8) for smart parking applications using Raspberry Pi and the Node-RED platform. This system is designed to optimize the use of parking spaces and increase parking management efficiency by utilizing YOLO's real-time object detection capabilities. Data processed by the Raspberry Pi is sent to the Node-RED platform for Internet of Things (IoT) via MQTT protocol. Node-RED functions as a management and visualization system, allowing users to monitor parking status in real-time through an intuitive graphical interface. With Node-RED, users can find out which parking lots are full and which areas are still available.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/ijeeic.v2i1.8692
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