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Abdullah, Syahrul Mubarak, Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Muslim Indonesia (Indonesia)
Afianto, Afianto, Mechatronics Department, Astra Polytechnic (Indonesia)
Alghamdi, Ahmed Saeed, Computer Engineering Department, Taif University, Al Hawiyah (Saudi Arabia)
Arifianto, Mada Jimmy Fonda, Mechatronics Department, Astra Polytechnic (Indonesia)
Ayub wahab, Iis Hamsir, Scopus ID : 57189354771, (Indonesia)
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Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Khairun,
Address: Yusuf Abdulrahman No. 53 (Gambesi) Ternate City - Indonesia
Email: ijeeic.unkhair@gmail.com

International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Computing (IJEEIC), Universitas Khairun This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.