Mapping Information Technology Adoption in Smart Cities: A Literature Review and Research Themes

Nur Hadian


In the growing digital era, Information Technology (IT) has created major breakthroughs in various fields, before finally playing a significant role in the Smart City (SC) concept as has been proven in many studies. Previous studies have shown that IT implementation in SC varies greatly as it has to be customized to the SC domain. Thus, it is necessary to map the feasible IT adoption for each SC domain. Here, we conducted a literature review and found several research themes of IT adoption in SC. Our findings include: (i) IT adoption in SC, and (ii) SC domains. In this study, a literature review was conducted manually on journals that examined IT adoption in SC and SC domains. The extraction and synthesis process results identified several research themes, including Geographic Information Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics, and Wireless Sensor Networks. Research questions are posed in each theme, which can be helpful to insights for future research.

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