The mobile ticketing application makes it easy for film viewers to order movie tickets online without time or location restrictions. In Indonesia, there are three online cinema ticket mobile application which is widely used by audiences cinemas, namely M-Tix, TX ID and Mtix. All three are competitors in the market the same, namely the mobile ticketing service for purchasing cinema tickets. Observation results shows that the number of one star reviews for the M-Tix, TX ID mobile application and there are still quite a lot of Mtix on the Google Play Store, the reviews are generally there related to user experience issues. This research aims to find out the results of evaluating user experience on the M-Tix mobile application, TIX ID and Mtix uses the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). This research has criteria for respondents who are M-Tix, TIX ID and Mtix mobile application users at least 18 years old. This research shows that the results of experience evaluation users on the M-Tix mobile application, namely the Attractiveness variable (Mean = 2.176), Perspicuity (Mean = 1.150), efficiency (Mean = 2.176), Dependability (Mean = 2.082), Stimulation (Mean = 2.075), and Novelty (Mean = 1.821). Experience evaluation results users on the TIX ID mobile application based on variable UEQ measurements Attractiveness (Mean = 1.786), Perspicuity (Mean = 0.991), efficiency (Mean = 1.920), Dependability (Mean = 1.723), Stimulation (Mean = 1.402), and Novelty (Mean = 1,277). And the results of the evaluation of the Cinepolis user experience Attractiveness (Mean = 2,273), Perspicuity (Mean = 1,159), efficiency (Mean = 2,330), Dependability (Mean = 2,216), Stimulation (Mean = 2,284), and Novelty (Mean = 2,000).
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/jiko.v6i3.7015
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