Doms Upuy, Arlene Henny Hiariey


In the future, a tight industrial competition.The professional manage companies become crucial to successful so competitive on the global market.One of the key figure in production is the ability to plan and optimize goods production process. To face fluctuations of consumer demand without adding existing facilities, The company can use fuzzy mammal and sugeno methods to determine the amount of production of voc (virgin organic coconut) based on supply and demand data in the wotay coconut (main business area). process involving 18 fuzzy rules using AND and OR operators on each fuzzy set and IF-THEN rules for each input variable demand (little, medium, a lot), inventory (little, medium, a lot), output (little, medium , Lots). The thing that strengthens the conclusion that fuzzy sugeno is better than fuzzy mamdani with this data is that the MAPE for fuzzy sugeno has a value of 36.11% with a truth level of 63.89%, while for fuzzy mamdani the MAPE value is 38.77%, with a truth level 61.23 %. With the MAPE value obtained from Fuzzy Mamdani and Sugeno, the forecast for VOC production at KBU is predicted. Wootay Coconut is worth using with fuzzy sugeno.

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