Shallots are one of the short-lived horticultural commodities that have high commercial value and high risk. In the management of shallot cultivation, pest attacks often occur on the leaves, besides that problems also often arise in watering shallots, even though this plant needs sufficient water from the beginning of growth to harvest. The use of IoT as an idea for making tools for automatic plant watering and lighting using the IoT prototype method in this study can help shallot farmers in their work by measuring soil moisture and light entities. This IoT prototype has been adjusted to the level of soil moisture needed by shallot plants, above 100 for dry soil conditions and below 90 for wet soil conditions, the light entity is also adjusted at 18.00 to turn on the lights and at 06.00 to turn off the lights. Measurements from both sensors will be stored in the database, and then displayed on the application in the form of real-time information on humidity and light entities. The test was declared successful because the application can display information obtained from sensor measurements stored in the database. It is hoped that this tool can help ease the work of shallot farmers.
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