Irma Amanda Putri, Dwi Arman Prasetya, Tresna Maulana Fahrudin


Leaf diseases are a serious challenge in the agricultural industry affecting crop quality and yield especially in grapevines. Early recognition and classification of grape leaf diseases is crucial to enable farmers to take appropriate preventive measures in maintaining the health of their crops. The research utilized an innovative approach based on Complex-Valued Neural Network (CVNN) to address the problem. Using Complex-Valued Neural Network (CVNN) this research seeks to identify and classify grape leaf diseases through a series of experiments. A total of 100 images divided into 4 classes namely Black Rot, ESCA, Leaf Blight, and Healthy were collected to train the model. The results show that the trained CVNN model successfully achieved a training accuracy of 100% and a testing accuracy of 97%, demonstrating excellent performance in classifying grape leaf diseases. This states that the proposed approach has great potential to be an effective tool in helping growers manage their vineyards more efficiently and effectively. The developed image processing method is expected to be applied in designing a system to perform image classification of diseases on grape leaves.

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