Taris Monica, Asep Id Hadiana, Melina Melina


Data security is essential. Educational question banks at vocational high schools (SMK) contain confidential information that could be misused if not properly secured. This research aims to ensure students question bank data and develop a responsive web platform for Pusdikhubad Cimahi Vocational School by implementing the integration of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) cryptographic algorithms through the encryption and decryption process. AES is a symmetric key cryptography algorithm, while RSA is an encryption algorithm based on using public keys to encrypt the keys required by AES-256. The integration of these two algorithms aims to ensure data confidentiality, prevent manipulation, and facilitate access to exam materials by authorized parties. This research shows that the process of encrypting and decrypting question data using a combination of RSA and AES was successfully carried out on the question bank system. Avalanche Effect testing shows that the RSA and AES 256-bit encryption has an Avalanche Effect level of 49.99%. Apart from that, the system feasibility test using black box testing results shows that the SIFILE system has a percentage level of 100%. It is hoped that the results of this research can serve as a data security system at Pusdikhubad Cimahi Vocational School and other educational institutions to secure the question bank from unauthorized access

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