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Saputra, Muhammad Taufiq Yuda, Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Khairun (Indonesia)
Saputra, Muhammad Taufiq Yuda (Indonesia)
Saputra, Muhammad Taufiq Yuda (Indonesia)
Sardju, Ahmad P (Indonesia)
Sardju, Ahmad P
Seng, Ahmad (Indonesia)
Setyawan, Romal Hadi, Departemen Engineering Divisi Teknologi, PT INKA, Jl. Yos Sudarso No.71 Kota Madiun (Indonesia)
Setyowati, Rr Diah Nugraheni, Faculty of Sains and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Shalama, Maura Fatima, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
Sidogu, Demi (Indonesia)

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