Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan Kepulauan (JIKK; English: Journal of Archipelagic Marine Science)
JIKK is a peer-reviewed and open access biannually (June and December) that published by Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Khairun University. JIKK accepts manuscripts written in Indonesia and English, and the processes submitted original manuscript related of scope to marine sciences and fisheries and not being published by other publishers. JIKK publish in two categories of papers; 1). Original research papers, and 2). Critical review articles. The scope of this journal includes, but is not limited to the research results of:
- Marine science and Technology
- Oceanography
- Aquatic resources management
- Aquaculture
- Fish capture technology
- Fisheries product technology
- Marine and fisheries biotechnology
- Marine geographic information system
- Marine pollution and bioremediation
- Climate change and marine renewable energy
JIKK has been indexed in Google Scholar, Sinta, Crossref, and DOI. JIKK has been accredited as a 4th Grade Scientific Journal (Sinta, Peringkat 4) by the Ministry of Research and Technology, Indonesia since 1 April 2020. Manuscript submission could be done by registering and creating an account at http://ejournal.unkhair.ac.id/index.php/kelautan or if you get a problem in the system, you can send it via email to the journal editorial at ilmukelautanunkhair@yahoo.com
The manuscripts are written following the author guidelines.

Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan Kepulauan
Table of Contents
Inna Puspa Ayu, Niken TM Pratiwi, Dwi Yuni Wulandari, Aliati Iswantari, Majariana Krisanti, Aldiano Rahamadya, Beginer Subhan
Gerardus Diri Tukan, Anggelinus Diri Nadut, Paulus Risan Funan Lalong, Agustina Emiliana Sawo, Cerry Julianus Pana Tukan, Clara Marcian Palan Tukan
Nur Abu, Azwar Rahmatullah, Mierta Dwangga, Putri L Mambraku, Heny Dwi Iriana Widhayanti, Khamsia Achmad
Ilham Alwan, Kismanto Koroy, Nurafni Nurafni
Indriani Umaya, Ima Kusumanti, Andri Hendriana, Joko Pitono
Yolanda Wamaer, Emmanuel Manangkalangi, Luky Sembel, Frida Aprilia Loinenak
Abdul Ajiz Siolimbona, Abdurrachman Baksir, Muhammad Fathur Anwar, Firdaut Ismail, Ikbal Marus, Eko Setyobudi Wibowo, Nebuchadnezzar Akbar, Abdul Motalib Angkotasan, Irmalita Tahir, Dondy Arafat, Beginer Subhan