Survei tingkat konsumsi ikan laut di Kalimantan Timur
Marine fishes are one of the best nutrition sources for human. Data on the level of fish consumption still in form of total fish consumption, and data on marine fish consumption is still not presented properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of consumption of marine fish in several locations in East Kalimantan. Survey data were obtained from 348 respondents with an age range of 18 to 73 years from 10 districts and cities in East Kalimantan. This study based on survey method by filling out questionnaires via google forms were distributed to all respondents via android smartphones. The result come up with the highest frequency of fish consumption was 3 times a week. The type of fish most frequently consumed by respondents is mackerel (Rastrelliger spp.), maximum volume of fish consumed being <1/4 kg per consumption. Freshness of fish is one of the main factors that respondents consider when buying fish. The main body part was the favorite part consumed by responden then followed by the head part and tail part, while the most preferred cooking method is the fried method followed by grilling and boiling.
Keywords: Animals, City, Cooking, Smartphone, Human Body
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668-677.Pdf (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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