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Agiyanto, Ucuk, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (Indonesia)
Ahmad, Imran, universitas khairun ternate (Indonesia)
Alauddin, Rusdin (Indonesia)
Alwan, Sultan (Indonesia)
Amriyanto, Amriyanto, Faculty of Law, Khairun University (Indonesia)
Amriyanto, Amriyanto (Indonesia)
Anshar, Anshar (Indonesia)
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Editorial Official :
Faculty of Law, Khairun University.
Jusuf Abdulrahman, Campus II, Gambesi, Ternate City, North Maluku Indonesia.
Klj@unkhair.ac.id, WhatsApp: +6281343974566
Jusuf Abdulrahman, Campus II, Gambesi, Ternate City, North Maluku Indonesia.
Klj@unkhair.ac.id, WhatsApp: +6281343974566