Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), is an infection of the middle ear and mastoid cavity, which is characterized by secretions from the middle ear (otorrhoea) with tympanic membrane perforation. there are many sufferers who feel socially ashamed. CSOM is a continuation of acute otitis media (AOM) and is accompanied by a persistent discharge from the middle ear through the perforation of the tympanic membrane. This is an important problem to prevent deafness that is now affecting developing countries. CSOM can be divided by type, namely benign type (without cholesteatoma) and malignant type (with cholesteatoma). Research Method: The study design used was cross-sectional using patient data contained in medical records. The sample in this study were all CSOM patients who came for treatment at the ear nose throat clinic of Dr. H Chasan Boesoirie for the period January - July 2019. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The results of the study: Based on research conducted at the Regional Public Hospital of Dr. H Chasan Boesoirie period January-July 2019, it can be concluded that CSOM patients based on 11-20 years age group as many as 11 people (33.3%) compared to other age groups, CSOM patients by sex are more numerous in males by 18 people (54.5%) compared to women, CSOM patients based on the main complaint was more in otorrhoea with 20 people (60.6%) compared to hearing loss and otalgia, CSOM patients by type had more benign types as total 33 people (100, 0%) compared to malignant type, CSOM patients based on a medical history of otitis media were 14 people (42.2%)
Keywords: Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/kmj.v1i1.1669
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