This study aims to determine the profile of outpatient DM patients who performed thorax photos in the Tidore Islands City Hospital in 2018 and the characteristics of the chest thorax in outpatient DM in the Tidore Islands City Hospital in 2018. This study will be very useful for researchers who are also doctors in enriching the knowledge of researchers in the development of science, especially relating to DM patients who do chest thorax photographs. The study will use descriptive retrospective methods. The research site is in the Tidore Islands City Hospital and will be conducted in July-September 2019. The study population is outpatient DM patients in the Tidore Islands City Hospital in 2018. The study sample is all outpatient DM patients who performed Thorax photos in 2018. Sampling technique using a total sampling technique. Data collected in the form of secondary data. Each sample was analyzed qualitatively.
Keywords: Diabetes Patients, Thorax Photos, Tidore City Hospital
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