Introduction. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) as a result of structural and functional renal failure has a high progressivity leading to an end stage renal disease (ESRD), thus a therapy is needed to replace the renal function such as hemodialysis. Long term hemodialysis therapy affects many aspects of life and degrading the quality of life of the patient. Method. This cross-sectional study was conducted at Chasan Boesoirie Hospital, Ternate. Primary data, such as socio-demography were taken through history taking and medical records. Quality of life was assessed using Kidney Disease Quality of Life - Short Form (KDQOL-SF)-36 TM which has been used to measure quality of life of patients undergoing hemodialysis. Results. From this study a sample of 77 patients was obtained, of which 41 were male (53.25%) and 36 were female (46.75%). Of the three quality of life components assessed, KDCS components were 78.65 ± 13.39; the MCS component 54.67 ± 7.53; and PCS components 42.47 ± 7.76. Conclusions. From the results of the study it was found that the highest KDQOL-36TM score was obtained for the kidney disease component (KDCS), then the mental health component (MCS), and the lowest score for the physical health component (PCS). Of all the variables hypothesized to affect the quality of life of kidney failure patients undergoing hemodialis, not a single variable was found to be significantly affected (P value> 0.05).
Keywords: end-stage renal disease, hemodialysis, quality of life.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/kmj.v1i2.1726
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