Sosialisasi Peran DPRD Kota Ternate Dalam Mendorong Raperda Disabilitas di Kota Ternate

Amin Muhammad, Rasty Amalia


The level of welfare of persons with disabilities in Indonesia, including in the City of Ternate, can be said to be still low. Efforts to protect and fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities in various aspects such as in education; profession; health; This shows that until now it has not been achieved as expected. This is because there are no regulations at the regional level that ensure that persons with disabilities can be protected and their rights fulfilled. This problem is exacerbated by the absence of a control and evaluation mechanism regarding efforts to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities. The importance of implementing regional regulations at the district/city level to strengthen the rights of persons with disabilities is a very urgent issue, because the existence of these regional regulations can become a legal umbrella for local government organizations to develop programs, activities and budgets. For this reason, socialization activities are needed to the community about the importance of fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities. The socialization that was packaged by our team is to encourage the DPRD to implement district/city level regional regulations regarding the protection and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities. Policies made by the local government can be a reference for respecting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of the community, therefore in regional policies on persons with disabilities it is necessary to have full participation of persons with disabilities in the process of drafting PERDAs so that PERDAs can be used as the legal umbrella of all organizations local government to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities.

Kata Kunci

disability; protection of rights; fullfilment of rights; DPRD Kota Ternate

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