Perancangan Film Dokumenter Bertema Desa Budaya dan Desa Adat Sebagai Wadah Mempromosikan Pariwisata Desa Tuada di Kabupaten Halmahera Barat

Rustam Hasim, Mohtar Kamisi, Anwar Nada


The design of this documentary film about tourist attractions in West Halmahera is designed to introduce and preserve regional and cultural potentials that are not yet known by the wider community. The research methods used at the data collection stage include extracting data through direct observation, questionnaires and interviews with stakeholders. The next step is to analyze several videos and films with the theme of cultural villages and traditional villages as existing studies. The next stage, namely data processing which will later be studied and analyzed so that it becomes several solutions to solving the problems in this design. The final result of this design process is in the form of a tourism-themed short film with the concept of a Cultural Village and Traditional Village that describes tourist attractions in West Halmahera which can provide a positive image of the beauty of West Halmahera Regency and in its development, other tourist objects can be added which can be used as content in a program. documentary film. West Halmahera Regency has a wealth and diversity of arts and culture, which are spread over the areas of Jailolo, Sahu, Ibu and Loloda. Every country has its own performing arts, especially with regard to artistic ceremonies and religious rituals. The cultural background of the people of West Halmahera is religious, most of them are used to dancing and singing folk songs when carrying out traditional ceremonies. Currently in West Halmahera Regency is very famous for a dance called the Gala dance. The documentary film with the theme The Meaning of the Gala Dance in the Cultural Perspective of Moloku Kie Raha is designed to introduce and preserve regional and cultural potentials that are not yet known by the wider community. The design of this documentary also aims to obtain an effective, objective and communicative Visual Communication Design design that is able to attract the interest of the target audience to participate in efforts to increase regional tourism potential and preserve the cultural natural wealth of Tuada Village.

Kata Kunci

Tuada village; Documentary film; Cultural village; Traditional village; Tourism; West halmahera

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