Pengembangan Potensi Ekowisata Pesisir Daerah Tolire Kecil Pada Masyarakat Takome
Syarifuddin Adjam, Asnita Ode Samili, Jainudin Hasim
Takome Village is one of the villages in the West Ternate City District, which has a variety of tourism potential. However, the tourism potential of the Kelurahan is currently being used optimally by the local community. For this reason, efforts to realize an ecotourism Village in Takome Village require assistance from academics by involving village community organizations. This is in line with the development of ecotourism village based on community based tourism which emphasizes the involvement of local community participation. This community service activity aims to increase the capacity of local communities in realizing ecotourism destinations in Takome Village. The method of activities carried out includes socialization, and counseling. The socialization and counseling activities were attended by around 30 people consisting of elements of the Kelurahan apartur and pokdarwis managers. Service activities by focusing on efforts to develop an ecotourism village based on regional coasts were first carried out in Takome Village. The local residents who attended were enthusiastic and actively involved in every series of activities organized by the lecturers. In addition, the emergence of a high commitment among the Kelurahan apparatus and pokdarwis managers to focus on the development of ecotourism Villages in Takome Village. This service activity brings new understanding in efforts to develop ecotourism Villages, especially the application of coastal-based concepts. For this reason, sustainable assistance is needed in realizing ecotourism village destinations in Takome Village.
Kata Kunci
Ecotourism; Small Tolire; Takome
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