Pelatihan Pengembangan Instrumen AKM Untuk Kemampuan Literasi Sejarah Bagi Guru PPKN SMP Negeri 2 Kota Ternate

Rustam Hasim, Jainudin Abdullah


Information technology has become a necessity and the Internet has become an important part of human life today. As a result of the rapid pace of technology, it requires human ability to adapt and be ready to face all things that change rapidly. Based on this, the government designd the AKM (minimum competency assessment) to increase PISA scores for all subjects in exchange for the National Examination. The focus of measuring Life Skills shifted to solving problems in the PISA model. The reality in the field is that teachers focus more on model questions (multiple choice, complex multiple choice, matchmaking, short answers and descriptions) rather than focusing on getting students to think logically, data-based and complex or HOTS, while PPKn literacy questions are still far from being in line with PISA literacy category characterized by higher order thinking (HOTs). Scientific literacy is developed through science education. The concept of scientific literacy refers to science-based knowledge of science and technology. Many PISA literacy questions are dominated by higher-order thinking skills in the form of interpretation, reflection, and evaluation abilities. This training is designed with 3 meeting sessions with one assignment session. The first session is understanding historical concepts and material, then followed by designing the AKM instrument preparation under guidance. The assignment session was carried out under guidance with the final result in the form of AKM PPKn questions which had to be presented for joint evaluation. It is expected that PPKn teachers can arrange the AKM PPKn instruments correctly independently.

Kata Kunci

Training; Development of Instrument; AKM; Historical literacy; Civic education teachers; City of Ternate

Teks Lengkap:



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