Training on preparing a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students, the driving school program for SMA Negeri 10 Tidore City is a project-based co-curricular activity designed to strengthen efforts to achieve competency and character in accordance with the Pancasila student profile which is prepared based on Graduate Competency Standards. For SMA Negeri 10 Tidore City, the implementation of the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students is carried out flexibly, in terms of content, activities and implementation time. In its implementation, the preparation of the project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile needs to be a dynamic document, which is updated continuously, becomes a reference in daily life, is reflected on, and continues to be developed at SMA Negeri 10 Tidore City.
The training on preparing a project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile for the driving school program at SMA Negeri 10 Tidore City is expected to inspire students to contribute to the surrounding environment. The project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile, as a means of achieving the Pancasila student profile, provides students with the opportunity to "experience knowledge" as a process of strengthening character as well as an opportunity to learn from the surrounding environment. In this profile project activity, students have the opportunity to study important themes or issues such as climate change, anti- radicalism, mental health, culture, entrepreneurship, technology and democratic life so that students can take real action in responding to these issues. according to the stage of learning and needs.
Keywords: Training, Projects, Pancasila student profiles, and driving schools.Teks Lengkap:
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