Socialization of child sexual violence at SD Negeri 41 Ternate City with the aim of providing outreach to children who are vulnerable to sexual violence. The content of socialization includes exposure to the importance of interpersonal communication, namely between parents and their young children, to provide an understanding of self- protection from sexual crimes. Good communication is very important between parents and children to produce positive relationships. This communication must be built starting from early childhood.
The fact that there are many cases of sexual abuse that befall children and women indicates that they tend to receive less attention and protection and are often neglected. The reality is that age factors and psychological and mental maturity factors mean that they are often marginalized in the policy making process. This disadvantaged position of children makes them qualify as a vulnerable or vulnerable group. This is truly ironic. understanding, awareness and faith that children are the buds, potential and successors of the young generation to the ideals of the nation's struggle, have a strategic role, special characteristics and characteristics and therefore must be protected from all forms of inhumane treatment.
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