Rustam Hasyim, Mohtar Kamisi


The design of this documentary film is expected to convey messages and information about locations that have the potential to become tourist areas in Ternate City. Media design is deemed necessary in efforts to promote tourist attractions in Ternate City. The role of regional promotion is also deemed necessary to support the development and income of the region. The media used in this design is audio-visual media. Audio-visual is a modern instructional media in accordance with the development of the times that can be seen and heard. Promotion of programs and broadcast media is an activity to maintain and attract the attention of the audience. Through the promotion of broadcast media, especially audio-visual media, it is hoped that it can attract the audience to see and use the products being promoted. The design of this documentary film presents the charm of natural beauty which aims to explore and promote the tourism potential in Ternate City. Lack of promotion and the absence of supporting documentation have resulted in a lack of tourists visiting tourist locations in Ternate City. The target audience in making this documentary film. The Kololi Kie Ritual contains a deep meaning about fostering bonds of togetherness between the indigenous people in the Ternate Sultanate and the general public in Ternate City. Surrounding the island can be symbolized as an effort to provide security for territorial boundaries and strengthen the nation's power nodes, to prevent various external threats. The Kololi Kie ritual has the same meaning as teaching the community to maintain culture and maintain the integrity of the nation from the onslaught and challenges of global culture.

Kata Kunci

Ritual, Kololi Kie, religious values, and the Ternate Sultanate

Teks Lengkap:



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