Pelatihan Penulisan Naskah Surat Dinas Dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia Baku Oleh Staf Pegawai Tata Usaha Kantor Lurah Kelurahan Tabam Kecamatan Ternate Utara

Suhardi Kasim


One of the linguistic issues whose formulation and basis for working on it needs to be covered by government policy in the field of language is the function and position of the national language, namely Indonesian. What is meant by the function of language in this connection is the value of using or employing language in writing official or official letter texts. What is meant by language position is the relative status of language as a symbol system of cultural values, which is formulated on the basis of social values associated with the language in question. At various levels of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), it is found that many are unable or have an inability to write official letter scripts. This phenomenon indicates very minimal language mastery and ability, especially in writing official letters. This service activity also answers the phenomena and problems faced by administrative staff who are not yet or are not able to write official letter scripts. This socialization and training also aims to increase public knowledge about the function and position of the Indonesian language.

Kata Kunci

Official Script Letter Standard Indonesian

Teks Lengkap:



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