Effect of Weather Dynamics to Energy Yield of Dual Axis Sun Tracker-Based Solar PV generation

Iswadi Hasyim Rosma, Dicky Rinaldi, Dian Yayan Sukma


Generally, solar PV Panel is constructed at fix tilted angle at different locations, such as: street light poles, rooftops, residential buildings, and canopy. The energy production from solar PV generation system is vary and influenced by site (location) and weather parameters. Solar PV generation analyzed in this research is Dual Axis Sun Tracker (DAST) Solar PV Generation. Dual axis sun tracker is a system controller to ensure solar PV panel following the sun path.  Furthermore, energy production from DAST-based solar PV generation were measured and collected using energy meter as well as by using automatic weather station for the weather parameters. From these measrument data, it can be correlated the influence of weather parameters to the energy production from DAST PV generation system. The correlation between weather parameters and energy production are analyzed by statistical analysis using SPSS software and multiple linear regression models. From the results and analysis, it can be shown the amount of energy production from DAST-based solar PV Generation are influenced by weather parameters, namely: temperature, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, and solar radiation with significant level up to 98.2%.


Automatic Weather Station; Dual Axis Sun Tracker; Panel Photovoltaic; PLTS

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/protk.v10i2.4673


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