Scalability and Performance Analysis of LoRaWAN Networks for IoT Implementation: Comprehensive Review and Research Agenda

Irfan Mujahidin, Rindang Reynaldi


The surge in IoT devices has created the need for a scalable and high-performance network infrastructure capable of handling massive data flows and diverse application requirements. Among the various wireless technologies available, with long-range communication capabilities, low power consumption, and cost-effectiveness, the Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) has emerged as a highly popular choice for numerous applications. This literature review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of recent developments in scalability and performance analysis of LoRaWAN networks for IoT implementation by reviewing existing research and identifying key challenges and opportunities for the research agenda. In the research on LoRaWAN performance in IoT, five characteristics have been proven and become factors for using LoRaWAN in IoT: low energy power usage, wide coverage, low cost, stable data transmission speed, and system reliability. However, not many have discussed its security. Based on the literature review, LoRaWAN does have some characteristics that make it suitable for large-scale IoT applications. This review will contribute to advancing knowledge in this field, enabling the development of scalable and high-performance IoT systems to meet the demands of the growing IoT ecosystem


IoT; LoRaWAN; Wireless Network; Technology

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