Oil Filter Machine for Deep Frying with Smartphone Control and Monitoring using Client-Server Communication Protocol

Aditya Ramadhan, Ali Nurdin, Suroso Suroso


The prevalence of fried snack consumption in our surroundings has become a widespread phenomenon. These fried snacks, commonly relished by many, are frequently served as side dishes with our main meals and are also a popular choice for satisfying quick hunger cravings. By utilizing the client-server communication method, this device can be assisted in its operation. The device employs ESP8266 as both the transmitter and receiver, while a smartphone serves as the control and monitoring tool. The primary purpose of this setup is to enhance the efficiency of oil-based food consumption, promoting healthier habits. The data collected from the device is split into two categories. Firstly, the communication data consists of the average RSSI (-52dBm) measured at a distance of 1 meter, with RSSI values increasing and becoming more susceptible as the distance grows. Secondly, the machine was tested for oil drainage in food, resulting in a weight decrease of 2.6% after 60 seconds of device usage, and the percentage of weight reduction increased with the given time.


ESP8266, Client Server, Oil , RSSI, Fried Snack, Machine

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/protk.v11i1.6432


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