Galela is the majority ethnic group on Morotai Island. Their settlement are concentrated in the South and East Morotai Districts. Geographically, the island is at the crossroads between Southeasth of Mindanao in the Philippines, east of the Sangihe and Talaud archipelago which are separated by the Maluku Sea, and northwest of the state of Palau in the Pacific Ocean. The crossover in the past has implications for the meeting of tribes in the region to interact with each other and build a sea trade network between them. Morotai and Iranun (Moro Muslims in the Southern Philippines) for example, in the meeting there was cultural contract and social interaction between the two which was marked by the ongoing process of knowledge transformation in the form of pirates or pirates from the Iranun tribe to the Galela tribe who were later called canga. The presence of canga for the Galela tribe has established itself as the ruler of the sea in north Halmahera and its surroundings. Along with Nuku struggle in 1757-1797, canga Galela helped Nuku struggle Sea Gerilya in Gamrange, Raja Ampat, and East Seram. Canga Galela led by Rubahongi and Robodoi with the Nuku people (Muhammad Arif Billa and his troops) made regular voyages to control water areas covering the Halmahera Sea, Maluku Sea to Bacan waters and its surroundings, Obi waters and its surroundings, Sula waters and its surroundings, including Mangoli and Taliabu. Canga Galela support for Nuku is a continuation of the solidarity of cooperation and mutual cooperation that has been obtained from the Iranun and other Moro Muslim tribe in Southern Philippines. This paper attemps to raise the intangible cultural influence of the Iranun and other Moro Muslim tribes in the Southern Philippines on the Galela Muslim tribe when they interact in the Maluku Sea and waters north of Halmahera as well as in Morotai waters. Â
Keywords: Nusantara, Iranun, Morotai, Sea Trade, Traces of History. Â
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