Teguh Adiprasetyo, Indra Cahyadinata


This study aims to determine the commodities which have comparative and competitive advantages and develop strategies for regional economic development based on superior commodities in the district. Several methods are used for research analysis, namely Location Quotient and Differential Shift analysis, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, SWOT analysis and Interpretive Structural Modeling. The results showed that the identification and determination of economic sectors that have comparative and competitive advantages that can drive regional economic growth are 1) agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and 2) processing industries. While commodities that have comparative and competitive advantages include 20 commodities with the first rank as the superior commodity is coffee. Regional economic development strategies based on superior coffee commodities can be implemented using several strategies that have large leverage, namely 1) Increasing capital support by the government through credit provision by financial institutions and banks, 2) Institutional development and increased institutional cooperation in the process coffee production and marketing of products by utilizing the availability of existing partners, and 3) Increasing knowledge and competence of business farmers through trainings so that production can increase. 

Keywords:  superior commodity, AHP, regional economics, strategy

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