Lily Ishak, Abd Wahab Hasyim


Soil structural destruction in form of soil compaction due to intensive practices on agricultural soils has resulted in soil health disturbance. The SOM decline may impair soil structure and hence the formation of soil compaction. Instead, most farmers around the globe has currently adopted reduced-till and/or no-till methods to improve soil and plant productivity. No-till method has actually been applied by farmers in the small islands of North Maluku for about two centuries in cultivating nutmeg plants. Unfortunately, no-till method is applied by burning crop residue that has potentially induced the loss of SOM and soil erosion. Low SOM and soil carbon sequestration induces soil compaction, which may inhibit root penetration into the deeper layers; thereby decreases nutmeg yield and soil biodiversity, and support the incidence of soil-born diseases like white root disease on nutmeg. The continuous reduction of nutmeg yield has remarkably brought down the heyday of spices from this region. Given the significant contribution of nutmeg to the national and regional income, the strategies of soil management on nutmeg small-holder plantations need to be further discussed to contribute thoughts and notions for improving nutmeg farming system and restoring the heyday of nutmeg agribusiness in North Maluku.    

Keywords:  Conservation agricultural system,  soil compaction, soil health, spice agricultural system in small islands

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