Wacana dan Media; antara Kekuasaan, Representasi Ideologi dan Realita Sosial

Farida Maricar


Media had a great influence and power toward daily activities. By media, we can understand
ourselves. It means our ability to speak and think, get in touch to other people, even our dream
and awareness of identity was formed by media. In other words, learning media was learning
ourselves as social creature. There were three views on discourse analysis. The first was
represented by empirical-positivism. The second was called constructivism konstruktivisme. The
third was called as critical view. In understanding a discourse (texts), it could not be rid of the
context. To find the reality behind the texts, it was necessary to investigate to the context of text
production, text consumption and socio-cultural aspects which influence the text production .
This was because a text was not rid of subjective interest. A text also needs meaning that
means a text already exist could be a picture on theories which will be used to analyze the

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33387/tekstual.v16i1.1058


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