Kekayaan Perairan Teluk Hol dan Pantai Sulamadaha yang Berpotensi sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata di Kota Ternate

Fitria Soamole


Sulamadaha beach is an object of interest to tourist that as administration located in
Sulamadaha Village, Ternate city of North Molucas . Sulamadaha beach gives attractions of
the tourism nature such as beautiful of surface the sea and in the world sea.
The mind of this research is to describe the potentials of the object interest tourism In
The Holl of Sulamadaha Beach. Descriptive method is used in this research because it to
describe the potentials of the object interest tourism. In this research used qualitative method
to analyze. The collecting data in this research is recording the informant likes government,
tourist and observation.
The result of this research applied that water in Holl of Sulamadaha had the beauty
and unique of surface the sea and in the world sea. Surface the likes the nature panorama, the
view of the sea, coral, fish and kind  of marine biota that show of the potential of the sea



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