Determining the Value of the Viscosity Coefficient of Pertalite Gas Stations and Retail Filling Stations Using the Logger Pro Application
This study aims to determine the absolute viscosity value of pertalite fuel sold at gas stations and retail. The method used is an experiment with video analysis assisted by Logger Pro software. The number of retail pertalite samples tested consisted of 5 samples taken from different places. The research step is to analyze the video recorded on the motion of a falling object, namely an iron ball (Gotri) into the fluid (pertalite fuel) with logger pro software then track the video recording and obtain terminal time and speed data. From the results of the terminal velocity then it is calculated to the absolute viscosity equation. The results of the test showed that there was no significant difference between the viscosity of pertalite sold by gas stations and those sold at retail. This is evidenced by the average viscosity coefficient value of Pertalite gas stations of 0.4074 (Ns/m²) while the viscosity of retail pertalite is 0.4019 (Ns/m2). These results conclude that the pertalite sold retail in East Ogan Komering Ulu area is still maintains the quality of pertalite from gas stations so that it is safe for vehicle engine performance.
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