Strategi Penghidupan Masyarakat Sekitar Kawasan Hutan yang Berkelanjutan Di Pulau Tidore Provinsi Maluku Utara

Andy Kurniawan, Aqshan Shadikin Nurdin, Firlawanti Lestari Baguna, Nisa Nimah Utami, Gunawan Gunawan


Communities around the forest area are residents who live and live in the outskirts of the forest with their livelihoods mostly dependent on the forest. The condition of household assets owned by communities around forest areas is very diverse, namely: human capital, natural capital, social capital, physical capital, and financial capital. The objectives of this study are: (1) Knowing the basic assets of the livelihoods of the people around the forest area of Tidore Island, (2) Analyzing the livelihood strategies of the people around the forest area on Tidore Island. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative methods, the sampling location is in the village closest to the forest area, namely the village of gurabunga and kalaodi where the community interacts with the selected area purposively. The selection of the minimum sample size was chosen based on the statement of social researchers that the minimum sample size was 10% of the population for descriptive research. The results showed that the community's livelihood assets were as follows, Natural capital with a scale value (2.14), Physical Capital a scale value (3.66), Human Capital a scale value (3.44), and Social Capital a scale value (3.25), and Financial capital (2.39). Asset-based community livelihood strategies to improve lives are intensification, extensification strategies, namely: 12% use of yard land, 49% use of agricultural and plantation land, 22% use of vacant land, and 17% addition of arable land.

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