Penilaian Kesehatan Pohon di Ruang Terbuka Hijau Benteng Oranje Kota Ternate

Much Hidayah Marasabessy, Abib Muhammad Saban, Reyna Ashari, Laswi Irmayanti, Ramli Hadun


Fort Oranje is located in the city of Ternate, the fort complex is designated as a national cultural heritage as well as a green open space (RTH) city park. The people of Ternate City often visit the fort to carry out various activities. The presence of trees planted by the City Government of Ternate provides shade so that many visitors come and relax at the Oranje Fort complex. The physical condition of the trees in green open space needs to be assessed to identify their health level and as a basis for making park management decisions. The assessment was carried out using the visual tree assessment method on the trees in the Fort Oranje complex. From the observations, there were 48 individuals from 14 tree species in Fort Oranje. A total of six individuals were in good health, while 42 other individuals showed damaged conditions in the roots, stems, branches and leaves. The damage is caused by physical mechanical action (rotting pruned branches), pests and diseases. Signs of damage include galls, cankers, tunnels, leaf necrosis, and termites. Managers can carry out tree management actions such as mechanical control by pruning damaged parts and chemical control by spraying pesticides and fungicides on the trees.

Keywords: Green Open Space, Oranje Fort, Tree health, Ternate City

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PDF 219-221


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